To coincide with the upgrading of our beer lines – which feature some brand new choices along with some old favourites – we are introducing a new membership scheme for our, loyal, local and valued customers. We are offering everyone who lives within the Montgomery catchment area, a 10% discount on drinks.
Unlike the previous 1:10 membership card*, there is no annual charge. It is completely free. However, it will no longer apply to meals, but going forward, we will be offering exclusive offers to our Loyally Local members – keep an eye on social media.
If you fill out this form, we will prepare your membership card, which you can pick it up next time you visit us.
*Please note existing 1:10 memberships will remain valid on food until they expire. After that just renew to the new Loyally Local Membership for free when it runs out. This applies to all 1:10 members, even outside the catchment area. Once your card runs out, bring it with you the hotel and we will upgrade you to the Loyally Local membership scheme.
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